Friday, November 23, 2012

The things kids say...

Like so many mom's I put things my kids do on Facebook so I won't forget them. With a memory like mine I tend to forget things but it is always great when I look back and remember the silly things my kids do.  I love being able to remember the silly reasons they make me laugh, but finding things on Facebook is harder than ever so I decided to collect all the things I don't want to forget from raising my crazy kids into one spot where they would be easier to find, and easier to enjoy...

Boo-Boo ask me if she could use the dog leash so her lamb could follow her where ever she went. I think we may need to change her name to Mary. lmao ~10/27/12

Monster just told his daddy " Daddy you need to use your brain and your ears" LMAO I couldn't agree more baby boy. :) Love you hunny. ~10/26/12

Bug just told me I have a thick skull after looking at pictures of my CT scan from last weekend. Her dad and I both looked at her and told her we knew that without a CT. lol ~ 10/25/12

Goofy things my kids say...
Mom: I got the kindle case so you didn't have to hold the kindle while you watched movies.
Moose: I know but I like to hold it (as he grabs me around the neck)
Mom: be careful mommy's neck hurts.
Moose: I know.
Mom: Is there anything you don't know? 
Moose: (thinks really hard for a min) Yeah How to become a Power Ranger. 
I swear the silly things that boy says keep me from losing my mind. lol ~10/24/12

"All my little piggies are in bed, the little two learned to snort like piggies tonight way to funny.~ 10/11/12

How do you know your son is a blond...When he can't figure out why he can't log into his email (that is on Yahoo), so I look over and he is on hotmail. lmao ~9/28/12
"Boo boo " Mom I hurt my butt but you can't look at it"
Me "ok why not?"
Boo boo "Because it has a hole in it."
Me lmao "Umm baby there is supposed to be a hole in your butt"~9/19/12

Boo boo keeps telling us she has super powers cause she can understand Moose. when he talks really fast. :) I think she has a lot more super powers than that" ~ 9/16/12

Boo boo was so proud of Moose for jumping over the bad guys in Super Mario bro.'s . He looks at her and say's well duh. I couldn't help but laugh at the his response. ~7/19/12

OK water guns in the bath tub are a must for all moms. I don't think the kids and I have laughed so hard in a long time. Added bonus, bathroom floor is now clean. ~7/18/12

Mia just told Korey he should be sad she is leaving tomorrow. He laughed and she got mad. ha ha sibling love~7/18/12

C.J. just informed me when he gets bite by a spider he is going to climb the wall and web his daddy's mouth shut. Out of the mouth of babies.~7/18/12

Things I learned today. Robot voices make boo boo think I'm not mommy, and Grandma can fix things from 300 miles away. Lesson learned. I felt like a horrible mommy I was just playing. :(~7/16/12

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